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Facial Micro-Expression Detection in Hi-Speed Video Based on Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta The Transactions of the IEICE D, vol.E96-D, no.1, pp.81-92, 2013.


Towards Developing Robust Multimodal Databases for Emotion Analysis
Maria Alejandra Quiros-Ramirez, Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Takehisa Onisawa
The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, pp.589-594, 2012.


A non-invasive multi-sensor capturing system for human physiological and behavioral responses analysis
Senya Polikovsky, Alejandra Quiros, Takehisa Onisawa, Yoshinori Kameda and Yuichi Ohta
Workshop on Multimodal pattern recognition of social signals in human computer interaction (MPRSS), pp.63-70, 2012.


Benchmark Driven Framework for Development of Emotion Sensing Support Systems
Senya Polikovsky, Alejandra Quiros, Yoshinari Kameda, Judee Burgoon, and Yuichi Ohta
Workshop on Innovation in Border Control 2012, pp.353-355, 2012.


A New Noninvasive Multi-Sensor Capturing System for Human Physiological and Behavioral Responses Analysis During the Interview
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta
The 30th International Congress of Psychology, Panel, 2012.


Multisensory Video Database of Physiological and Behavioral Responses
Senya Polikovsky, Alejandra Quiros, Yoshinari Kameda, Judee Burgoon, and Yuichi Ohta
Israel Machine Vision Conference and Exhibition 2012, IMVC 2012.


The 15th Algorithm Contest of Pattern Recognition and Multimedia Understanding
Masanori Nagashima, Senya Polikovsky, Ken Tanabe, Tomoki Ohgawara, and Bunsun Gu
2nd prize, 2011.


Evaluation of Synchronization Accuracy Between High Speed Cameras in Infrared and Visible Spectrums
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta
Proceedings of IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2011), pp.51-54, 2011.


Infrared and Visible Spectrum Camera Calibration
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta
Proceedings of the 2011 IEICE General Conference / Information and Systems Society, p.104, 2011.


Detection and Measurement of Facial Micro-Expression Characteristics for Psychological Analysis
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta
IEICE Technical Report, PRMU, vol.110, no.97, pp.57-64, 2010.


Experimental Setup for Micro-Expression Detection
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta
Proceedings of the 2010 IEICE General Conference / Information and Systems Society, pp.136, 2010.


Facial Micro-Expressions Recognition Using High Speed Camera and 3D-Gradients Descriptor
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta
3rd International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-09), 6 pages, 2009.


Hostile Intent Detection by Using Video Signal
Senya Polikovsky, Yoshinari Kameda, and Yuichi Ohta
Proceedings of the 2009 IEICE General Conference / Information and Systems Society, pp.202, 2009.